08 Nov Do the Homework
What is in Your Relationship Backpack?
When you were in school, did you ever get to school and realize you did not have your homework? I mean you actually did it, but you left it at home. Has the same ever happened to your child and you were told, “I thought I put it in my backpack”? You responded, “Why didn’t you check your backpack before you left home?” The teacher’s response was probably very similar.
It is the student’s responsibility to have his or her homework done each day. As such, in relationships, your “homework” is what you are responsible for in your relationship on a given day. Relationships are day to day. Knowing what your partner needs from you today is your homework. It should be in your relationship backpack. To do so make sure you do the following:
Pay attention – Be attentive to your partner. Discuss what your partner has on his or her plate and where they are physically and emotionally so you can know how you can help.
Prepare – Homework has to be done before it is due. Once you have an idea of what your partner will need – get ready to meet it.
Plan – Planning is everything. You have your own responsibilities to meet even as you try to be a good partner. Plan for both.
Be present – Create margins in your own day so that you can be available for your partner. Presence makes a difference.
Do your homework.
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