What is in Your Relationship BackPack?
Remember those high school classes where the teacher graded your notebook? How about the college courses where quizzes were from the reading assignments and the exams were from the class lectures? Do you recall ever asking someone for their class notes on a day you were absent? Having good notes was usually essential to getting a good grade in a class.
How are you performing in your relationship? Are you keeping copious notes on what your partner needs from you and what your relationship requires? In your relationship backpack your notebook, laptop or tablet represents your process of paying attention and being attentive to your partner. It is your practice of paying attention so that you can be attentive.
A caring partner is an attentive partner. You cannot help but please your mate when you meet a current or consistent need, create and fulfill expectations, and even learn to anticipate a vicissitude before it transpires.
To do so, you have to pay attention and remember what you see and hear.
Be observant.
Make mental notes.
Take physical notes if you have to.
Place reminders on your smartphone.
Do whatever it takes.
In addition, attention and attentiveness require you to make room for your relationship. Create margin in your schedule and your emotional and energy banks and reservoirs so that you have the time, space, and strength to devote to your mate and the relationship. And always remember neglect is a relationship killer.
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