13 Nov Snacks and Water
What’s in Your Relationship BackPack?
In high school, the days would get long. Hunger would always set in either early or late in the day depending on what time you were scheduled to have lunch. In college between classes, labs, and yes tutoring sessions, sometimes there was not the time for lunch. Having snacks and water in your backpack became an act of good planning. It is difficult to concentrate or perform well when you are hungry. The right snacks and a bottle of water in your backpack can save the day. We all need proper nutrition.
In your relationship backpack, food and water represent the importance of personal care. You cannot perform well or meet the needs of your partner if you do not properly take care of yourself. Consistently ignoring your own well-being will eventually affect your relationship. It is difficult to be a strong mate if you are a weakened person. You have to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Be aware of the “me time” that is necessary for you to have the goods to adequately perform in your relationship. Make your partner aware as well. It is critical that you all agree on how important this is. You may even need help from your partner to properly focus on yourself. It is great when you have a mate who will help you help yourself.
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