06 Nov What’s in Your Relationship Backpack?
It is back to school time. Many parents are so glad about it. I think some parents are as excited about the first day of school as some children are about the last day of school. Most of you have done back to school shopping for your kids, clothes, shoes, supplies and all too necessary backpack. Backpacks are standard equipment. They come in different sizes, but the students usually fill whatever size they have to capacity with books, laptop or tablet, paper, pens, pencils, and notebooks. Let’s not forget to mention the clothes, shoes, water, and snacks when necessary. A fully stocked backpack is part of a student’s daily preparation for school. So what’s in your relationship backpack? What supplies do you bring when you daily show up for your relationship. You do know you have to intentionally show up every day for your relationship, don’t you? Just like you show up every day for work, you have to show up daily for your relationship, and relationships are work. What is your standard equipment? Are there any “just in case” items in there? Do you know what you need in order to say, “I’m ready to be a good partner today”? I have a few suggestions that I will share with you this month so stay tuned. The first item you gotta put in there is your homework. I will start there next time. |
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