20 Jun My Wedding Anniversary
Just got off of a plane and was thinking. There is one minute left in this day. Today would have been my 25th wedding anniversary. This weekend could have possibly been an amazing celebratory one with family and friends with a silver wedding anniversary and Father’s Day.
Instead my phenomenal kids will be in other states doing their thing and I will be lecturing on family on Friday in Daytona, preaching on men’s conference in West Palm Beach on Saturday and back at Hope Fellowship on Sunday. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not depressed or anything like that.
I don’t need any sympathy. I’m better than I’ve been in a long time. There are just lessons to be learned when I think about the fact that I will probably never have a 25th wedding anniversary.
1. When you don’t win the battle in one season you lose benefit of the victory in another.
2. Good and even great are not the same as optimal.
3. It’s possible to find happiness and live with regrets at the same time.
4. Sometimes what you salvage is more than what others build.
5. What ever you lose don’t lose yourself or your relationship with God. Those are the two things you started with they are the two things you absolutely need to rebound, recover, and realize new dreams
Chantell Johnson
Posted at 00:57h, 10 JulyWell i truly wish you the best… your father is a great teacher and paster… hope to see spiritual messages from you as well…. as for a comment about the above message …. i have never been married but to have someone walk out did hurt but i thank God that i was cover and God help me through it!!
Toni Bond
Posted at 18:21h, 21 JanuaryI’m over 40 and have NEVER been married nor had a baby (anomaly…hmmm…I wonder…lol) so while I can truly relate to your somber reflection, it comes from a different angle. Nonetheless, the good news is, there is still hope (in God); especially if you plan to live to be 120 years old! I’m talking about a healthy, active, cognizant, still serving the Lord 120 years old…not in your own strength but God’s! Blessings to you Bishop!
Posted at 23:08h, 07 JuneThe number one thing I learned from you is I can start over, I have done four times since I met you ten years ago and I am now doing it a fifth. You saved my life, physically and spiritually.
Posted at 03:18h, 02 DecemberKind Sir, each point was uber motivational. What a relief to know that I am not the only “soldier” with regrets (*point #3), but with “rewards” of lessons about the loftiness of love. lol. As a Christ-focused man- or, as I should say- Now that I’m aware of my responsibility in choosing the right way to love, there shall be fewer & fewer to mention with your manuscript in my library. Cheers!